KMP Quality Care LLC

"Providing Quality Care At Home"

What areas do we service?

Philadelphia, Montgomery County, Chester, & Delaware County.

KMP Quality Care mission is to provide exceptional services to all of our clients.

What insurance is accepted?

Medicare, Medicaid & Private Insurance.

Do I have to be a Pennsylvania resident?

Yes we do require residency in Pennsylvania.

Services Provided

Bathing, Grooming, Incontinence Care, Dressing, Light Housekeeping, Meal Preparation, Medicine Reminders, Laundry, Escort to Appointments, Grocery Shopping, Companion Care, Hospice Care, Pediatric Care, Home Care, Respite Care, Memory Care, Disability Home Care, Transportation Assistance.

Frequently Ask Questions

Please reach out to us at if you cannot find an answer to your question throughout our site.

Contact us

If your loved one is in need of our professional support, reach out to us. One of our home care coordinators will be happy to discuss a plan that is most suitable for you.

24/7 Care Call 267-963-6157

8400 Bustleton Ave, Suite 6

Philadelphia, Pa 19152

PHONE: 215-728-4930

FAX: 215-728-4980


Hours Of Operation

Monday 9:00am - 5:00pm

Tuesday 9:00am - 5:00pm

Wednesday 9:00am - 5:00pm

Thursday 9:00am - 5:00pm

Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm

Saturday - On Call

Sunday - On Call